My top 10 holistically made detox recipes (including cocktails!) to ring in the New Year

If you are reading this, it's safe to assume that you survived the holidays and are ready to ring in the New Year. 

Are you one of the thousands of women Googling “detox” after the indulgent holiday season? I know I was and used to think juice cleanses were the answer to looking my best. 

Before you buy that juice cleanse, I’m going to let you in on a well-kept secret: your body needs much more than organic juice to detox. Starting the New Year with a juice fast will probably not give you the results you are looking for. 

Your body has a natural detoxification system that needs a full spectrum of micronutrients, like vitamins A, C, & E, and copper, zinc, and magnesium, to function optimally. 

And don’t forget that macronutrients like protein and fiber are essential for ensuring you get toxins out of your body. Thanks, biochemistry! 

This means that eating a nutrient-rich whole foods diet can easily give you the detox support you’re looking for. 

So unless you were looking forward to being tortured by a strict detox diet (you do you!), you will love these detox recipes.

The New Year shouldn’t be a time of deprivation—it should be a time to nourish and support our bodies.

Holistically made detox recipe # 1: Apple, Beet, Carrot, & Kale Salad

This refreshing salad is packed with micronutrients and fiber that support detoxification. Top it with a serving of chicken or fish and a side of plantain chips to increase your daily protein and make it a complete meal.

If you can, purchase organic produce for this and all the recipes linked below.

Because many pesticides can not be washed off, choosing organic means lessening your toxic burden and supporting your natural detox pathways.

Holistically made detox recipe #2: Green Detox Soup

This beautiful green soup bursts with flavor and contains detox powerhouses like onions, broccoli, parsley, and cilantro. Did you know that cilantro is fantastic at helping your body detox heavy metals like mercury and cadmium? 

Holistically made detox recipe #3: Turmeric Golden Milk

Golden milk is a delicious opportunity to ramp up your intake of the potent antioxidant curcumin. Curcumin is the primary polyphenol in turmeric and boasts impressive health benefits. 

Its clinical applications include everything from anti-diabetes to anti-cancer. Curcumin is beneficial for holistic detox because it turns on genetic pathways that control anti-oxidant protection in your body (1). 

Holistically made detox recipe #4: Chicken stock

You might be surprised to see this comforting chicken stock on my top 10 list of holistically made detox recipes. But remember: protein is essential for detox. 

Want to learn more? Check out my blog, “The critical macro no one’s talking about: holistically detox, slow aging, and build muscle with each bite.”

Chicken stock gets bonus points for being high in collagen, the protein you need to keep skin looking dewy and hair shiny and thick. 

You can sip on the broth whenever you need a pick me up, use it in place of water to make grains and legumes, or (bonus recipe!) make my favorite chicken and zoodle soup. Finally, add the juicy meat to any recipe that calls for chicken (like the salad above!). 

Holistically made detox recipe #5: Cucumber, Broccoli, & Radish Sprout Salad

This gorgeous salad is a lovely starter for any meal and detox superstar, thanks to the broccoli sprouts. 

Broccoli sprouts are the best source of sulforaphane, a polyphenol found in broccoli and cabbage that is renowned for protecting the liver and enhancing phase 2 detox (2). Not to get too heady, but phase 2 of detox is essential for chemically altering toxins to be less harmful. 

Check out your farmer's market if you don’t see broccoli sprouts at your grocer. And if you like embracing your crunchy side, they are easy to grow at home.

Holistically made detox recipe #6: Cold Poached Salmon

This classic recipe is elegant enough for a dinner party and also provides quality protein to support detoxification. Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids that your body needs to turn down inflammation and protect your cells from toxin-induced damage.

Holistically made detox recipe #7: Rooibos Latte

Rooibos has a delicate honey flavor that perfectly matches a latte. Naturally caffeine-free, rooibos can be enjoyed anytime and is an excellent alternative to coffee.

But it’s more than a yummy treat—rooibos helps increase detoxification enzymes (3) and protects your body from environmental toxins such as air pollution (4).

Holistically made detox recipe #8: Healing Mushroom & Cabbage Soup

This warming soup comes together in only 45 minutes and is packed with healing nutrients. 

Mushrooms bring umami flavor and lots of antioxidant support and are an excellent source of glutathione, your body’s master antioxidant. Maitake mushrooms have the most glutathione, followed by Pioppini, Yellow Oyster, Porcini, and Shitake (5).

Cabbage is a gut-healing superfood containing sulforaphane, mentioned above. But it also boasts nutrients that are particularly soothing to the lining of our digestive tract, home to the lesser-known but critical phase 3 detoxification (6).

Holistically made detox recipe #9: Basil Walnut Pesto

Mmm, pesto…the magical sauce that can bring any dish to the next level. This version uses omega-3-rich walnuts instead of pinenuts and skips the parmesan (but feel free to add it if you’d like).

Basil is a natural anti-viral and anti-bacterial agent and is a potent antioxidant. The perfect dietary addition during these cold winter months.

Holistically made detox recipe #10: Sparkling Citrus Pomegranate Mocktail & Cranberry Smash Cocktail 

Pomegranate has held a special significance for many cultures for thousands of years, a powerful symbol of abundance, regeneration, and life. Pomegranate juice is incredibly high in antioxidants and has hepatoprotective properties, meaning it protects the liver. Sounds like the ideal drink to cheers the New Year!

And last but not least, a delicious organic cocktail for those that imbibe. This Cranberry Smash Cocktail is made with sustainably produced gin distilled from organic corn. 

Cheers to you! And Happy New Year! 

Wellness with Kristin

Nutritional Therapist and Pilates Instructor

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