My top 10 holistically made detox recipes (including cocktails!) to ring in the New Year
health, nutrition, recipes Wellness with Kristin health, nutrition, recipes Wellness with Kristin

My top 10 holistically made detox recipes (including cocktails!) to ring in the New Year

My top 10 holistically made detox recipes (including cocktails!) to ring in the New Year!

If you are reading this, it's safe to assume that you survived the holidays and are ready to ring in the New Year. Are you one of the thousands of women Googling “detox” after the indulgent holiday season? I know I was and used to think juice cleanses were the answer. Before you buy that juice cleanse, I’m going to let you in on a well-kept secret: your body needs much more than organic juice to detox.

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Health from the Bottom Up!
nutrition, health and wellness Wellness with Kristin nutrition, health and wellness Wellness with Kristin

Health from the Bottom Up!

Recently I asked friends and family what they thought were the most important foundations of nutritional health? They reflected and pretty much everyone came up with diet and hydration. Basically they felt if you are eating healthy foods and drinking water you are all set. Those foundations are a good start but not the whole picture. There are six individual foundations of nutritional health, however they must be present together for optimal health and function at both the cellular and whole body level.

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