Make 2023 your year with a healthy daily schedule that you’ll actually look forward to

Have your New Year’s resolutions fizzled out? New Year's resolutions seem like a great idea. Set a goal, then become healthier, more active, more charitable, or more spontaneous…focusing on aspirations that resonate with you and better your life could never be a bad thing, right?

But let's face the facts. How realistic are most resolutions? Particularly the health-focused ones? 

To be clear, I am ALL FOR empowerment and improving your health. That's why I got into my profession in the first place! 

But can I be honest for a second? No matter how much I desire a specific outcome, if the path to get there is not something that brings me excitement or joy, I will probably not stick to it. 

So can we do something different this year? Instead of giving up when your resolutions don’t go to plan, how about a healthy daily schedule instead? 

And one you will actually look forward to! 

2023’s Healthy Daily Schedule: AM Routine

Make enjoying a balanced breakfast every day the new theme of 2023. Eating a breakfast you love is the easiest way to jumpstart your healthy daily schedule. 

Skipping breakfast is a sure way to tank your energy and mood and intensify sugar cravings for the rest of the day, while eating a balanced breakfast may protect you against cardiovascular disease (1) and underlying inflammation (2). 

It may also help you become more metabolically flexible (meaning you can burn both carbs and fat for energy) and protect against obesity (2, 3). Double win! 

When building your plate, make sure your breakfast keeps you energized and focused until lunch. Balance means including protein (like meat, fish, eggs, tofu, or greek yogurt), fiber (like leafy greens, broccoli, carrots, flaxseeds, avocado,  raspberries, and apples), starchy carbs (like oatmeal or sweet potatoes), and fat (like extra virgin olive oil, butter, or coconut oil). 

Oh, and taste matters! Remember, pleasure equals sustainability. So choose foods you enjoy. 

2023’s Healthy Daily Schedule: Mid-Morning

It's time to move your body! If your schedule allows, go for a walk outside. Not only does this improve circulation to your body and brain, but it gets you out in the sunshine and fresh air. 

No time for a stroll? No worries. Simply take a 5-minute break for a couple of jumping jacks and toe touches. 

Mid-morning is also an excellent time to enjoy a cup of organic green tea. Green tea is packed with antioxidants to help your body fight off free radicals—the compounds that can damage your cells and even your DNA. 

One major bonus of making green tea part of your healthy daily schedule is that it prevents your skin from sun damage and even reduces skin redness due to sun exposure (4). 

Pro-tip: Only let green tea steep for about 90 seconds. Much longer, and you’ll get a very bitter brew. For added skin health, dab the cooled teabag under your eyes for a quick skin pick-me-up.

2023’s Healthy Daily Schedule: Lunch

Lunch is an essential part of a healthy daily schedule. Just like with breakfast, this is a time to nourish your body with essential nutrients that will keep you energized and focused for the remainder of your day. 

Eating a protein-forward lunch will help you reach your daily protein goal. Because protein is essential for supporting detox and slowing aging, hitting that daily goal needs to be a top priority. 

2023’s Healthy Daily Schedule: Mid-Afternoon

Time to move your body again! Take five minutes to walk around the block or jump on the treadmill.

You might think, “Kristin, it’s just five minutes; does that really do anything?

Yes! It does! Breaking up your day with several 5-minute walks has been scientifically documented to boost mood and reduce food cravings and exhaustion at the end of the day (5).

If heavier exercise is also part of your routine, remember to properly fuel your body between meals, too. Snacks are mandatory for athletic females…and yeah, you can be athletic and not feel like an athlete!

I love these turkey jerky sticks and these delish meal bars for a quick, protein-rich snack.   

2023’s Healthy Daily Schedule: Dinner

For many of us, dinner is a whirlwind—rush home, make sure the kids start their homework, get dinner on the table, and then clean. 

If this sounds relatable, try out some one-pot meals for dinner. This blog has some great protein-rich recipes. Add some rice or whole grain pasta and a salad or simple crudité (aka sliced raw veggies), and you have a nutritious and balanced meal. 

And remember, leftovers are just another word for “meal prep.” Make extra servings so you have a ready-to-eat lunch for the rest of the week.

2023’s Healthy Daily Schedule: Evening 

Make evenings your time to wind down and relax. If your nights usually look like cleaning, doing dishes, laundry, and packing the kids' lunches for the next day, relaxing may seem like a foreign concept. And I can completely relate to that feeling! 

But, your “relax” time may not look like soaking in a bubble bath or lounging on the sofa and putting your feet up. Instead, it might be listening to your favorite podcast while loading the dishwasher or putting on your favorite album while packing lunches. 

The evening can also be a great time to reflect on your day. How did you feel today? How did your food make you feel? 

If you notice that food triggers symptoms like bloating and gut discomfort, it can be valuable to dig a little deeper and figure out what’s going on. 

In my practice, I offer two investigative tools to help you do just that. 

The first is called the MRT Food Sensitivity Test. This novel test is designed to show you which foods might be triggering your symptoms. Removing trigger foods often equals symptom resolution…a New Year's resolution I can get behind! 

But this doesn’t mean you can never have that food again! The next step is to work on gut healing. With specific gut healing, you will likely be able to enjoy reactive foods without a problem. 

When you begin to heal your digestive system, it can be helpful to take a closer look at the gut microbiome. Your gut microbiome is a community of beneficial bacteria, yeast, and fungi. But if this community becomes imbalanced, it can lead to inflammation and symptoms like bloating, gas, and fatigue. 

The second tool we can use is called the GI Map. 

The GI Map is a non-invasive test that reveals which microbes live in your GI tract. This test tells us if your gut microbes are balanced or if you have any pathogens, parasites, or fungi (like candida) that could be contributing to gut inflammation and bloating after dinner. 

2023’s Healthy Daily Schedule: PM Routine

Getting a good night’s sleep can feel elusive, but it’s the perfect way to wrap up your day. If you feel like you aren’t sleeping well, follow the tips below to ensure you get your beauty sleep. 

  1. Turn off screens at least 30 minutes before bed, ideally an hour before. The blue light from electronics dramatically suppresses melatonin, the hormone you need to rest well. 

  2. Make sure your bedroom is cool and dark. Around 65-68 Fahrenheit is ideal for most people. 

  3. Lavender oil aromatherapy can help promote relaxation. I love this lavender hydrosol that can be used as a facial toner or pillow spray.  

nutrient dense bowl fruit avocado
Wellness with Kristin

Nutritional Therapist and Pilates Instructor

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