
My Story

I understand how it feels to lose yourself in the “shoulds.” 

I’ve been there, too. 

You should have a picture-perfect Pottery Barn home.

You should volunteer for the school fundraiser. 

You should love the way your body looks. 

But you don’t.

Loving your body—all of it—feels totally out of reach.

But have you ever wondered if it’s more than physical? 

If those extra pounds on your belly are what’s really holding you back? 

Or if maybe it’s the weight of all those “shoulds?”

I left a successful career in my 30s and closed what I thought was my dream business in my 40s to get out from under that weight.

I re-examined my relationship with everything—food, my family, and my own body.

And now, many clients later, I can tell you: belly fat is not the problem.

The real problem is the constant pressure of making everyone happy

It’s the relentless tide of “Could you?” or “It’ll only take a second!” or “I’m sorry to ask, but…”

It’s saying “yes” when you mean “no.”

And striving for perfection even though being everything to everyone is making you sick. 

So ask yourself—are you ready? Because this is about more than weight loss. It’s about learning to nourish and listen to your body, not punish it. 

Certifications and Trainings

Restorative Wellness Solutions Level 1 Practitioner

Pilates instructor at  Club Pilates, New Haven

Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP) through Nutritional Therapy Association 2021

Certified Integrative Life Coach through Integrative Wellness Academy 2021

Fully Certified STOTT PILATES® Instructor 2011

Total Barre™ certificate 2014

Pilates Coursework: STOTT PILATES® Matwork, Reformer, Cadillac, Chairs and Barrels Levels 1 and 2 and Injuries and Special Populations, STOTT PILATES®HALO training, Peak Pilates® Empowerment Summit 2016

Post Rehabilitative Breast Cancer Exercise Specialist through the Pink Ribbon Post-Operative Breast Cancer Recovery Program 2012

University of Connecticut, B.S. in Accounting

There are no quick fixes or magic pills to lose weight. Real results come from making small sustainable changes that align with your future goals and learning to listen to your body. Our bodies have an innate wisdom and if we stop and take a moment to calm the chaos and really listen - it is here we find the answers and finally free ourselves from what is holding us back from achieving joy and purpose.”

Start today. Schedule a free, 20 minute call with me.