Has your old way of losing weight stopped working?

Maybe you need a new approach?

Let me help you ditch dieting and start living.

woman standing at barre with light in back

Is it really the belly fat that’s bothering you?

Or the pressure of an unrealistically perfect life?

Hi, I’m Kristin. 

I left an accounting career to raise my three children. Along the way, I began to pursue my passion for fitness and movement.

But after achieving my dream—owning and operating a thriving Pilates studio—I began to see I was working toward meeting outside expectations rather than being true to myself.

Something had to change.

What Clients Have To Say

Kristin’s guidance has helped me change my life. It wasn’t an easy fix and took some time, but I am in a better place now, thanks to her. I am happy I was able to trust the process to get where I am today.”

— Maria G.

My whole life, I’ve been consumed by food in terms of good and bad or how many calories. But working with Kristin helped shift my entire view on nutrition. She taught me how to view food as fuel and to make decisions based on what my body needs and when. By focusing on better choices, I now feel fantastic, sleep better, and have more energy. Sometimes you can teach an old dog new tricks!

— Jill L.

Work with Kristin

Your husband can take care of dinner.
The kids can do their own laundry.
And that email notification after 5 PM? Don’t even think about it. 

In 6 weeks, you’ll go from overwhelmed to oh yeah with:

  • 90-minute initial intake session

  • 30-minute follow up meetings

  • Review of food and mood journal and nutritional assessment questionnaire 

  • Detailed intake of your health history, concerns and desired goals

  • Immediate actions steps to get started

  • A long term plan to help you achieve ALL your goals

  • Access to custom meal plans, supplement discounts and to my Pilates fitness library of over 60 classes